Tuesday, August 18, 2015

The essential merch items you need...

So at The Yacht Club Co. where I work we pride ourselves on making hundreds of different print and merch items. We also pride ourselves on customer service, great turnaround times and giving all our great customers the experience they deserve. Here's what I believe to be the top ten most popular items for ever artist.
Duh! Of course stickers are a must, whether they are vinyl cut, dye cut, or plan cheap stickers everyone loves stickers! Your fans put them everywhere, on poles, trashcans, cars, guitars, walls, etc... EVERYWHERE! 

Badges come in pretty much any size you need, from 1.25 to 5 inch badges. I don't know why you would want a 5 inch badge unless you are running for office, but hey it's available.
Another no brainer is t-shrits, if you are in a band or play any kind of music at all and want people to take notice having your own t-shirts is a must. If you don't have any then you should probably fix that. The best way for anyone to support your music is custom screen printed t-shirts
Yea maybe the internet should have killed flyers, but it didn't. Why didn't it? Well mainly because word of mouth and face to face interactions are still the best ways to spread the word. Also people love collecting flyers from artist to show that they remember that band when they were starting out. I know I do! I still have some flyers with bands on them before they were even well known, back when they played clubs not amphitheaters.
Much like flyers posters are another thing your fans will love collecting. I myself have tons of posters from bands at the club level that I would rip the poster off the wall and take it home and put it up in my bedroom.

Business cards are more for the professional musicians and wedding bands, not so much the rock bands. But not bad for the rock bands either. As a musician meeting people in the industry or people to help you get to where you want to be a business card can be a quick "here you go" to someone. It's easy for them to slip it in there pocket and you don't have to explain all your contact and social media information to them.
I love beanies! I think beanies are like hoodies, everyone has them and everyone has 20 of them. I think I had a beanie from every band I liked going up and probably still do. Though they are more for the cold months, they are popular year round. Your fans will love sporting your badass logo on there sweetass beanie! I know I would!
8) MUGS:
Who doesn’t love custom mugs for coffee or whatever else you are putting in there. Wink wink. The mug is something that people cherish, and they take better care of their mugs than they do most other personal items. Think about it everyone has that favorite go to mug, so why shouldn't it be your logo!
This item I never really had myself but over the years I have seen this go in popularity, can't really explain much about this other than it's a notebook with your bands logo. You can get some awesome picture on there, or have it screen printed.

Last but not least, the phone case! Yea I know who would have thought phone cases would be a popular merch item for bands, but it is. With everyone and their mothers, mothers, mother having a phone now a days you can't afford not to get in on the action. There are so many endless options for what style of case to what color to what logo you put on it. Try it out, just buy a couple and put them on your merch table at your next show. Someone will buy them I know it!

Thanks for reading any questions or need sweet merch contact us at www.the yachtclubco.com follow us @yachtclubco

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