Sunday, April 28, 2013

Help Ariel Find Her Voice

The most difficult part about living the dream is finding the funds to do so. In today’s society, many talented and ambitious individuals have the opportunity to pursue their passions through crowd funding. What the heck is Crowd Funding? Yvonne A. Ramsey, writer for Business People, defines crowd funding as the process of raising money to help turn promising ideas into business realities by connecting investees with potential supporters.

Crowd funding is an emerging online trend representing a new potential pool of capital as a source of start-up equity financing. It’s simple; a central tenant of crowd funding is that the crowd funds what the crowd wants. This is a tremendous asset to creative individuals looking to pursue their dreams as crowd funding creates a demand while providing the funds for the supply. Aspiring entrepreneurs are increasingly jumping onboard with sites like Kickstarter, IndieGoGo, Peerbackers and ChipIn. Now, as the concept becomes well known, users have become savvier about creating interesting profiles, targeting their audiences and promoting their offerings. We had the unique opportunity of joining in on the marketing efforts of the Kickstarter campaign for Ariel Hill, aspiring singer/songwriter in Nashville, TN.

To describe Ariel Hill’s music, the best way to put it is a contemporary twist on soul music.  Her bluesy vocals in combination with her Broadway star-like vocal range makes her a rarity in today’s music scene.  Her style is unique and diverse, as shown by whom she draws much inspiration from:  Aretha Franklin, The Beatles, The Strokes, Justin Timberlake, and Coldplay.

Ariel Hill is only 21 years old but has already been on quite the roller coaster ride in her musical journey to Nashville, Tennessee.  Ariel has many friends and great mentors that believe in her talent and want her to follow through on her vision. However, for a singer/songwriter, success only comes from people being able to hear your music. By supporting and successfully funding her Kickstarter campaign, we can send our ears on a magical journey to hear her new EP, Supernova. And for that, we salute you!