Friday, November 1, 2013

Team Human Clothing: Human Fest

As our brand grows internationally, we are continuously finding ways to become more involved in our community and take action towards the betterment of society. As many of you may already know, we are releasing a new clothing brand called Team Human. In our mission to impact the world through Music, Art, Fashion, and Action, we are bringing all these elements together and hosting Human Fest at Mercy Lounge on Tuesday, November 5th.

Human Fest will be the official release party for Team Human clothing. Team Human Clothing melds fashion and charity by donating a portion of each sale to local charities. Team Human’s mission is simple: Make it cool to make a difference. Human Fest will feature a charity raffle of limited edition Team Human merchandise signed by members of the Tennessee Titans and Nashville Predators. Proceeds from the raffle will be donated to the Nashville based charities CarryOn Records and Linda’s Hope. 

Carry On Records: Fighting Cancer with Music
Carry On Records is a Nashville-based nonprofit organization aimed at providing cancer patients currently undergoing treatment the opportunity to write and record their own music in a live recording studio.

Linda’s Hope
Linda’s Hope provides support to those affected by pancreatic cancer by advancing research, supporting patients and families and raising community awareness for this critical cause.

Join us as we celebrate life, music, fashion, and the arts for a great cause. We’ll have performances by Startisan, Black Market Research, Jer Gregg, Evido, and more! Get advances tickets for $7 and $10 at the door on Tuesday at Mercy Lounge. Doors open at 7:30pm, and we’ll see you there!

Huge thanks to our sponsors at Lightning 100, Fireball Whisky, and Marathon Music Management!

P.S. Nashville needs to dance more!